4th Automotive CFD Prediction Workshop

September 26th/27th 2024, Queens University Belfast


Oct 02, 2024 Thank you to all of the groups that contributed results and those that attended the AutoCFD4 workshop. We will be posted the recordings of the talks and their slides in the coming weeks.
Sep 26, 2024 The AutoCFD4 results dashboard is now available here
Sep 09, 2024 With some organisations tightening up on travel, to widen the participation and impact of the workshop series, we will also make available a simple Teams meeting. Through the Teams Meeting you will be able to follow the workshop remotely and have the ability to ask questions, although we make no guarantees on the quality of the video and audio. There will be no charge for attending the workshop through Teams. We will be distributing the meeting details through the AutoCFD mailing list, so if you are interested please make sure you sign up. You can also e-mail admin@autocfd.org for the Teams meeting information if you haven’t received via the mailing list.

Aims & Scope

Following the success of the previous three workshops (Oxford, 2019, Berlin, 2021 and Barcelona, 2022), we’re proud to announce that the 4th Automotive CFD Prediction Workshop (AutoCFD 4) will be held in 2024, in person, on Sept 26th/27th at Queen’s University Belfast.

The main objective of the 4th Automotive CFD Prediction Workshop is to assess the predictive capability of CFD codes for road-cars geometries. Through mandatory geometry, boundary conditions and computational grids the aim is to provide practical modelling guidelines to the automotive community e.g best-practice turbulence modelling, meshing, numerical schemes. In addition we want to bring the automotive CFD community (both academia and industry) together to discuss future directions. The test-cases for the 4th workshop remain the same as per the 3rd workshop to enable participants to continue their research and progress on the existing cases that still have many unresolved challenges.

Computing the test-cases is not required to attend the workshop but we strongly encourage everyone to consider submitting results.

Technology Focus Groups

For this workshop we will use a Technology Focus Group (TFG) model (inspired by the 4th AIAA high-lift CFD prediction workshop) where each particpant is requested to join a TFG which covers 5 core areas. These groups will meet every 4-5 weeks and colloboratively share findings and results as we move towards the workshop. The purpose is to encourage deeper discussions over a longer period, compared to only seeing other results and having a discussion during the 2 days of the workshop. The TFG leaders and contacts details are below. Please reach out to them to be included in the monthly meetings.

Meshing TFG - Vangelis Skaperdas (BETA-CAE Systems)
Noise Factors TFG - Burkhard Hupertz (Ford)
AI/ML TFG - Neil Ashton (AWS) and Astrid Walle (Siemens Energy)
Scale Resolving Simulations (SRS) TFG - Charles Mockett and Marian Fuchs (Upstream CFD)
HPC TFG - Hebert Owen and Oriol Lehmkuhl (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

A description of the scope and goals of each TFG can be found here.

Our data policy can be found here.


  • Ben Thornber (Queens University Belfast) - Local Organiser
  • Neil Ashton (Amazon Web Services)
  • Burkhard Hupertz (Ford)
  • Gary Page (Loughborough University)
  • Charles Mockett (Upstream CFD)
  • Astrid Walle (Siemens Energy)
  • Vangelis Skaperdas (BETA-CAE Systems)
  • Oriol Lehmkuhl (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
  • Herbert Owen (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
  • Charles Ribes (Stellantis)